Leadership Activities
Leadership and Service Opportunities for Every Pupil, Throughout the School
At HIKSVS International School we aim to develop tomorrow’s leaders in all walks of life, and we believe in providing opportunities for leadership and service (and indeed, we see leadership as a form of service) for every child, throughout the School. We consider the widest forms of leadership as part of this programme – whether academic leadership, in activities, organising one-off events, or ‘pupil voice’ as a member of the School Council, as Librarians or ICT Prefects, as well as leading others through more obvious roles, such as a captain or vice-captain of a team, as a Head of House, or a School Prefect. Even where Prefects are concerned, we expect every child in the older year groups to take a turn at the duties of a Prefect and to learn the responsibility which goes with such a prestigious leadership role.
Head of Houses
Immediately on arrival at the School even the youngest children are expected to represent their House and to be a ‘House Representative’ in activities where they are chosen to do so. The Head of House, usually appointed from the older year-groups, assists the Housemaster or Housemistress with various duties regarding their House. There are a plethora of occasions for pupils to lead different teams (in chess, debating, drama, charity work, and general knowledge competitions, etc.., as well as in sports) in different House events and the children embrace the opportunities available to them. As they grow older, they are role models in terms of attitude, work ethic, manners and appearance to the junior members of the house.
Sports and Activities Captains
The role of Sports Captain, or Captain of any activity team – in particular charity and community service activities - is to represent the sport or activity in school and act as ambassador and role model through their conduct on a daily basis and at whole-School events. Such captains will be appointed by turn in each year group. The captains promote sporting and other activities in School and the older ones are expected to demonstrate positive competition and good sportsmanship to the younger pupils.
Subject Ambassadors
Pupils in every year group will be asked to be subject ‘ambassadors’ for particular subjects from time to time – to take a lead in reading to an audience, helping to organise a play, organising Maths problems of the week in the Newsletter, and so on. This helps all pupils to understand academic leadership, and the widest definition of leadership and service too.
Leadership Roles in School Organisation in Every Year Group
In every year group pupils will be able to take turns in leadership roles such as Librarians, ICT Prefects, Art Monitors taking charge of particular displays, making sure parts of the classroom are tidy, and supporting the class teacher in many other ways.
School Council
Pupils will have the opportunity to be appointed to our extremely vibrant and active School Council. There will be School Council representatives in every year group, to represent the voice of their own age group throughout the School. They will meet regularly to organise whole-School events from charity days to eco-awareness weeks. School Council representatives will also report to the Head with any concerns or requests the pupil body have expressed.
School Prefects
By Year 7 the children will be ready for more responsibility and they undertake a range of duties as Prefects. Every Year 7 child spends one term as a Prefect. This means that all the children have the opportunity to experience a position of responsibility and to develop their own leadership skills.
Prefects confidently act as tour guides to visitors to the School and support the teachers acting as librarians and monitors. They learn how important it is to act responsibly and to show self-discipline. They increasingly work with independence and are offered the chance to lead some of the learning within academic activities. We are very proud that our Year 7 children head to their senior schools with a firm understanding of what it takes to be a good leader, as well as having first-hand experience of undertaking a number of leadership roles during their time with us.
A Head Boy and Head Girl will be appointed for each term. On top of their Prefect responsibilities these children also have opportunities to deliver their own speeches to prospective parents and on Speech Day. They assist the Head with the organisation of whole-School events, such as the weekly celebration assembly, and represent the School by welcoming and thanking visiting speakers.
* With the school's grows, all the above listed activities will be carried on, though some of them are currently unavailable.